
Are you wondering which hair restoration treatment is the best option

Are you wondering which hair transplant treatment is the best option?

Do you know?

By the age of 35, around 2/3rd of men suffer from hair loss and at the age of 50, this increases to 85%. These stats are clear-proof that why most people are looking for hair loss treatment. So, what is the best treatment option for you?

Hair Transplant in Bengaluru is one of the highly demanding procedures which address your hair loss problem.


Surgical hair transplant

If you are someone who is having hair loss in excess, then a hair transplant is truly the proven option for hair loss. The recent advancements can give you the peace of mind that you will see effective results, just the way you want.


FUT vs FUE hair transplant

FUT (Follicular Unit Transplant)

FUT treatment includes extracting the hair strip from the back of the scalp and then transplanting them to the desired area. The surgeon will make tiny holes in the problematic area. In this method, the strip of hair is transplanted by the surgeon.

This treatment option has been there for a long time as it results in a natural-looking appearance and improves the patient’s look. This surgery takes hours to effectively transplant the grafts. After the surgery, it leaves a linear scar on the scalp


FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)

FUE treatment includes transplanting the hair follicles one by one to the thin or bald area. The hair grafts are extracted from the donor area and moved to the affected part which gives you a fuller-looking hairline and most importantly natural. This procedure takes more time to perform as the hair follicles need to be transplanted to the donor site one by one. Also, this method has lesser downtime and the discomfort involved with the treatment is less.


New treatment approach in FUE hair transplant : NeoGraft

NeoGraft is a minimally invasive approach that is beneficial in different ways and it includes:

  • The procedure is performed in less time
  • Reduced discomfort
  • Minimized downtime
  • Increase the take rate of transplanted hair follicles

The surgeon performs the procedure under the effect of local anesthesia. There is no problem with a linear scar and implantation & harvesting are done with ease. Following the procedure

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, you can get back to your normal working routine within a few days.


Hair loss medications

Both of the below-mentioned medications are FDA approved.

  • Androgen-dependent hair loss medications

It works by converting testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, which is the reason for male pattern baldness. The increase in hair growth can be seen in 3 months. It is not recommended to women.

  • Androgen-independent hair loss medications

One of the options is Minoxidil which dilates the small blood vessels. Studies have shown that its effect can be seen within 3 months in 40% of cases. It is recommended to women.




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