Spot Removal in Mysuru

Safe and effective treatment for dark spot removal at Infinity Clinic

Spot Removal in Mysuru or Mysore, Are you wondering what can be a safe and effective approach for dark spots, dark patches, and blemishes? Are you looking for a proficient doctor who performs the treatment with the best safety measures? You have ended up in the right place. Infinity Clinic offers quality and improved treatment for Spot removal in Mysuru.

What is a Dark Spot?

Dark spots can be a great hindrance to fresh & glowy skin. Some of the primary reasons for dark spots are:

  • Blackheads
  • Acne
  • Melanin production in excess

With every type of dark spot, the reason will vary, and consulting the best doctor will help you find the right approach for it. With the spot removal treatment, your skin is going to be glowy and radiant, just like the way you always wanted.

What are the symptoms of Dark spots?

The dark spots can be light to dark black or brown. Some are oval and some are flat. They are likely to occur on any part of the body and most of them appear due to sun exposure, like on the:

  • Arms
  • Face
  • Back
  • Shoulders
  • Hands Back

What are the Possible Risk Factors?

  • Excess exposure to the sun
  • Skin disorder
  • Melasma
  • Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation
  • Chloasma
  • Linea Nigra
  • Poikiloderma of Civatte
  • Riehl’s Melanosis

What is the treatment approach for dark spot removal?

Although they don’t hurt, many people opt for the treatment to get rid of them for good. Let’s have an insight into the treatment options

Laser treatment for Dark spot Removal

Laser therapy makes use of light energy to remove the skin layer or eliminate the dark spots. Laser light treatment follows the same approach as a camera flash. The light frequency is absorbed by the dark pigmented spots on the face & skin.
In total, the procedure takes half an hour and the patient will have mild discomfort. During the procedure, you will feel like someone is snapping rubber bands on the skin. Even one session can give you the results you are looking for. However, if the extent of your condition is severe then you might need at least 3 treatment sessions.

How much does the laser treatment cost?

The cost depends on the area which needs treatment and the total number of sessions that need to be performed. If the treated area is large then the cost will be more as compared to the small one. When the treatment is scheduled you will be told how many sessions are enough to deal with your condition.

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