
What happens after you undergo the hair transplant treatment in India

What happens after you undergo the hair transplant treatment in India?

What should you do after a hair transplant?

After you have undergone the hair transplant in Bangalore, you need to rest and limit the number of activities for a few days. In addition, you need to keep your head elevated to reduce swelling for at least 3 days.

Avoid consumption of ice cream, alcohol, or aspirin for 3 to 5 days. Reduce swelling, by applying snow on the forehead every 2 hours and for 15 minutes.

How to reduce the pain after a hair transplant?

Make sure to take the pain medications prescribed by the doctor for 2 nights. The night will control pain and make you feel comfortable. Make sure to take the medications on time.

What about infection after the treatment?

Infections are rare. The procedure is safe and effective, in every sense. Just make sure to avoid any kind of activity which leads to swelling or you need to get in contact with dirt. Make sure that you do not do any tasks for around 2 weeks. Wash your hands and do not touch the scalp to avoid the chances of infection.

How to wash hair after the treatment?

You are allowed to wash the hair on the 3rd day after treatment. Make sure to not water with excess pressure as it will affect the transplanted grafts. You should not use hair dryers for 2 weeks.

When do the flakes fall off?

It takes around 7 to 10 days for the peels or flakes to fall off after the treatment. In some cases

, it might take longer. You should use Bepatonal which allows the peel to soften.

What medications should you take after a hair transplant?

The doctor will suggest the medications you need to take and it varies in every case. You need to take antibiotics which are in the form of cream, or pills. The doctor will prescribe you medications to maintain the hair growth and transplanted hair follicles. You need to take Minoxidil or Finasteride.

What should you eat after a hair transplant?

You must eat a healthy and well-balanced diet. Your diet should have vegetables, fruits, nuts, and natural oils. Most importantly, you have consumed Vitamin B, Calcium, Protein, and Magnesium. Your diet should not lack nutritional value before and after the treatment.

You should not consume alcohol and do not smoke. Both of these can increase the chances of swelling & complications.

How should I cover my scalp after a hair transplant?

Following the surgery, there is a bandage on the scalp. Just make sure that you do not wear any type of headwear for a few days as suggested by the surgeon. This is done so that the chances of infection and follicle damage are reduced. You are allowed to cover the scalp for around 7 days after you have undergone the surgery.

Can I drink coffee after a hair transplant?

You need to avoid coffee consumption after a hair transplant. It increases blood pressure and can lead to swelling which will take time for you to recover.

You should not do anything which can affect the final results. This is the reason, you should follow the suggestions given by the doctor.

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