
Hair transplant: Which are the best methods of hair transplant treatment?

Hair transplant: Which are the best methods of hair transplant treatment?

Hair transplant has rapidly gained demand among the people for protecting and securing their mane from hair problems. No doubt with age, it is normal to experience the problem but when you start losing hair at a young age, it is important to take preventive measures on time. Hair transplant in Bangalore is one of the best procedures and it does make you feel that you have natural hair growth. Once you step into Infinity clinic, all your hair problems will be addressed for a lifetime. Despite being termed as a surgical procedure, this treatment is safe and economical.

Do you know?

Most of the patients coming in for hair transplant consultation at our clinic have concerns about the treatment cost. For your understanding, we want to say that on average the hair transplant treatment cost begins from Rs 40,000. The treatment is given by following an individualized approach by determining how many hair grafts do you need.

Advanced and improved hair transplant treatment methods

There is no denying the fact that the hair transplant treatment approach is modernized and improved to a great extent. Earlier the method of hair plugs was in use which resulted in doll-like looking hair. However, a lot has changed with time, and hair transplant treatment has been improved a lot. Let’s talk about the hair transplant treatment methods which are preferred and suggested by hair loss patients & doctors.

  • FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation)

FUT is a conventional treatment method that has been in use for a long time. This surgical approach involves cutting down the strip from the scalp back. After that, the hair grafts are dissected from the strip and then carefully implanted in the recipient area. In this method, the doctor will make a scar that is a few inches long but it will be easily covered with your long hair.

  • FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)

FUE is a modern and improved method in which hair follicles are extracted one by one from the back of the scalp. Till the time, they are not implanted on the grafts; these are kept in a solution that helps to keep them secure. After that, they are transplanted to the problematic site one by one with utmost precision.

For your knowledge, let us tell you both the treatment options are safe and provide natural, permanent, and desirable results. Sometimes, the doctor prefers to use the combination of both the procedures for improved results.

What is the difference between FUE and FUT?

FUE Hair transplant

FUT Hair Transplant

  • Under this method, no sutures, scalpel, or staples are used.
  • The FUT method does contain the use of stitches and staple but it is just a few inches long.
  • The scars are not visible as they appear just like tiny dots, which are not seen with naked eyes.
  • The scar is visible and to hide that you can keep the hair long.
  • For this method, only the scalp grafts are used.
  • Faster healing, and less discomfort.
  • It is also pain-free, but it does take time for you to recover.

How many hair grafts can be transplanted in one sitting?

In one sitting around 3000 to 5000 hair grafts are transplanted under the supervision and extreme skills of Infinity clinic doctors.

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