The hair restoration procedures are very sensitive procedures in which both the doctor and the patient need to perform their 100%. The patient, after undergoing a hair transplant in Bangalore, is supposed to switch to an immensely healthy lifestyle for some time. There are so many aftercare measures that the doctor keeps on enlisting for the patient to follow. Our today’s blog is going to be on one such crucial aftercare measure and that is the “SLEEPING HABITS”.
What Is The Importance Of Sleeping In The Right Position After Hair Transplantation?
During the initial days of the recovery period, the hair grafts along with the recipient area (bald area) are extremely delicate, and these need to be treated with immense care. Keeping in mind the critical nature of this period, the patients are supposed to be very careful as far as the maintenance of the newly transplanted hair grafts is concerned. If you are sleeping properly then it means that you are contributing to rapid healing.
Tips To Sleep After Hair Transplantation
Sleep on the clean sheets and pillowcases
Make sure that for the initial few days you are very particular about the cleanliness. As we have mentioned earlier as well, the hair grafts at his time were very delicate and it is necessary to prevent any kind of bacterial and viral infection.
Cover the pillow with a dark towel
Some kind of liquid discharge is quite evident to take place after the hair transplantation. To make sure that you are not staining your pillowcases, you are suggested to place a towel on the pillowcases.
Keep your head and back elevated
You should not sleep flat. Sleeping, by keeping your head elevated at the 45-degree angle is suggested. By doing this, you can get rid of the post-surgical swelling and thus your healing process will keep on getting intensified and enhanced.
Do not sleep on your stomach
If you are habitual of sleeping on your stomach, then for a few days, you should skip doing that. Sleeping on the stomach is accountable for interfering with the blood supply to your scalp.
Do not let your head hit the headboard
I know, during the night-times, we all sleep unconsciously and we do not have any clue that we are on the edge of falling from the bed or are going to get hit by the headboard. Make sure that you have done enough arrangements that you do not experience any of these situations.
, serif;”>Sleep on time
Netflix has interfered with the healthy sleeping patterns of almost all individuals
, but for the initial 10 days, you are suggested to maintain a healthy sleeping pattern by sleeping and waking up at the right time. Healthy habits are what is needed to make the most of the recovery period.
Bottom Line
How did you like the above-mentioned information? If you have found it useful and want to get acquainted with more such tips, then please let us know.