
Can cold or warm weather affect the hair transplant treatment results

Can a cold or warm weather affect the hair transplant treatment results?

Can I get a hair transplant in any weather?

Before you make any decision in your personal or professional life, we make sure to do some research. The same goes for any surgical method, like a hair transplant. We will consider all the important factors to ensure that we will get the results we want. The most common factors which we consider are side effects, downtime, aftercare, postoperative measures, and much more.

There is no doubt, undergoing a hair transplant is a life-changing event and as we are investing our money, we make sure that everything goes perfectly. Many patients have one concern, “What is the ideal time to undergo hair transplant or Can weather affect the treatment results?” Let’s make you understand this in detail.

Can warm weather affect the treatment results?

Summer is all about sweat, humidity. No matter what we do it is normal to have sweating. During this month, people get concerned that sweating can affect the transplanted hair follicles

After the surgery, it is suggested to the patients to take proper rest and it is not suggested to avoid sweating. Sweating will not affect the recovery time and hair grafts. It is only suggested so that your scalp remains clean. Due to sweating, you can have irritation which makes you itch the scalp. So, to avoid that, you are suggested to take proper rest.
In addition, you need to avoid sun exposure and make sure to wear a loose cap or cover the scalp with a scarf. UV rays can affect the healing process.

Although, you can get the treatment in the summer. But, make sure to keep the scalp clean and avoid sun exposure for a few days.

Can cold weather affect the hair transplant results?

When you get the treatment in winter’s high temperature and extreme cold. There is no need to worry about the cold weather affecting the results. Although, make sure that you are following the necessary tips given by the surgeon. Like in summers, you need to keep the scalp clean the same goes for the winters.

Just make sure that you take a rest for 7 to 10 days and then continue with your normal working routine.

What are the aftercare tips to get the desired results?

You should not wash your hair for a few days after the treatment.
Make sure to use a gentle hair wash and conditioner to wash the scalp.
Do not rub or touch the scalp as it can increase the chances of infection.
You can comb your hair 3 weeks after the hair transplant.
Take the painkiller as suggested by the doctor and do not overdo it.
Apply the ice cube on the forehead to reduce the swelling. Make sure you do not apply it to the scalp.
Keep your head elevated at 45 degrees for 2 to 3 days. This way the transplanted grafts are not affected.

If you have any doubt, then make sure to consult the medical expert right away and get a better understanding of what you need to do.

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