
What are the major causes of hair loss? How can we prevent it?

Exposure to moisture content is vital for the hair follicle as the dry hair is prone to get shed off at the earliest. It is not always because the scalp is dry and cannot produce enough moisture. Rather sometimes

, the hair follicles themselves lack the properties which are necessary for them to keep the moisture content.

What happens when the hair follicles are dry?
The dry follicles cannot promote regrowth as they become dull and frizzy in texture. The long term attainment of the same texture will eventually lead the hair follicles to shed off.

How is oil produced in the scalp?
Some kinds of glands are present in our body and are responsible for producing the oil for making the skin lubricated and moisturised. These glands are known as the sebaceous glands. If sebum is not present in adequate amounts, then the hair follicles can easily get damaged by external factors. These factors may include the following:
• Smoking
• Exposure to Sunlight
• Humidity
• Medications ( Whether prescribed or non prescribed)

What are the causes which are responsible for making the hair dry?
The hair becomes dry because of the following:

• If the individual is following such hair practices which can make his or her hair harsh, then it can be counted as one of the causes of the hair loss.
• If the hair is exposed to such elements which can make the hair dry and non-shiny for a long time, then the hair may become dry.

Oiling your hair once or even twice a week can help them to retain the moisture content.
• The harsh winds and the exposure to the sunlight for a long time is not at all a suggestive condition for the healthy hair
• Washing the hair every day or even too frequently can lead to the extreme hair loss problem as shampoos have the properties that wipe out all the moisture from the hair leaving them to be dry.
• If the individual is doing regular styling of the hair by the following equipment, then the hair becomes weak and dry and ultimately fall off on their own.:
• Flat irons
• Curlers
• Perms
• Rollers

• Usage of shampoo and conditioners that have high amounts of chemical constituents can damage your hair.
• Blow drying, no doubt makes the hair look beautiful but doing it regularly is not good for your hair.
• There is a certain way with which you should be brushing your hair. If you brush in the wrong direction or you are using the wrong brush, then you are contributing significantly to this problem.
• The hormonal imbalance or age-related changes are also accountable for hair loss.
• If you are continuously living in a hot climate or environment, then you can surely expect your hair to be dry.
• Dry hair can also come about owing to the following conditions
• Hypothyroidism
• Anorexia Nervosa
• Hypoparathyroidism
• Menkes Syndrome
• Bulimia

How can you prevent your hair from falling?
A little change in the hair care routine can prevent you from encountering the hair loss problem. Following are some of the suggestions by which you can prevent hair loss:

• First of all, we cannot deny the role of the die and the healthy eating habits for the good functioning of the body. You should visit a nutritionist, who could help you with the preparation of the diet chart that includes all those food items which contain the nutrients required for healthy hair.
• Massaging your hair with the essential oils can help you quintessentially to create a hair growth atmosphere for the scalp.
• Smoking Should be completely abstained from. As it is not at all good for the blood supply. If an adequate blood supply is not provided to the scalp then it cannot provide the regrowth atmosphere to the hair follicles.

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